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Mission Statement
One Word Resolution Wall
Hawthorne Farmers Market
Make your mark art wall
Classroom Leaders
Belong Chalk Art
Balloon challenge at Leader in Me Assembly
Students helping in Hawthorne's GardenĀ 
First Day of School
Pumpkin patch at the harvest festivalĀ 
Team Leadership at Hawthorne
Hawthorne Innovation bots in lab

News and Events

Events Here

Program Highlights

Our Vision and Mission

Hawthorne Elementary School offers the possibility of ConnectionFulfillment, and Accomplishment for all students, staff, parents, and community members. Teachers are committed to work with students to help them become successful learners, who are able connect with and make positive contributions to our local community. 

Staff Appreciation

We love our staff!

Innovation Lab

Our Foundation funded Innovation Labs in each elementary school, helping our youth use technology for creative and academic achievement. Our Foundation works collaboratively and creatively to ensure student success in a supportive environment. 

Walk to School Day

Hawthorne's Walk to School Day was a huge success.

Eagles Soar

The student spirit in our school soars to great heights.

Lead Achieve Belong

Lead Achieve and Belong 

Hawthorne In Video

Hawthorne Video
Second Grade Mission Statement
Sixth Grade Mission Statement
Welcome to the Innovation Lab
Welcome Back to School